HTTP Gzip Compression Test of a Website

HTTP Compression is also known as Content-Encoding. HTTP compression allows compressing content on a server before transferring to the browsers. This tool will help you in Gzip compression test.

Tool Details and User Instructions

HTTP compression increases the site performance and decreases the bandwidth without any configuration on a client side. There is a limited size of the bandwidth on internet connection, and to speed up the process administrator can do anything. So there is one simple way to do this via HTTP Compression. HTTP compression is a capability built in both the browser and the server that can reduce the time for transferring data between server and clients that can improve the performance of a website. Most common algorithms or tokens are: deflate and gzip.


LZMA2 – The algorithm is better than deflate or gzip, but the algorithm does compress very slowly than others.

sdch – The algorithm is based on VCDIFF, created by Google and supported in Android, Chromium, Google websites and Google Chrome.

bzip2 – This one uses a block-sorting compression test (Burrows-Wheeler transform) algorithm. Still better than older Deflate and LZW.

Brotli – This is based on the LZ77 algorithm. It allows getting over 20% better compression ratios over Zopfli.

Pack200 – Compresses Java bytecode (instruction set) portion of JAR files. Best for high-performance Java application development. It is developed by Sun.

gzip – Based on the Deflate algorithm, created by Mark Adler and Jean-Loup Gailly and used for file gzip compression & decompression.

deflate – Based on Huffman coding and LZ77 algorithm and defined by Phill Katz for PKZIP archive tool.

EXI – It encodes XML documents in a binary data format.

The tool shows:

– The URL.
– Original web page size in KBs.
– Compressed or Gzipped size in KBs.
– Percentage of compression.
– Status code
– Time to request a web page.
– The time it takes to compress a page.
– Content type and charset.

Instructions To Use HTTP Compression Checker:


  You must enter a website URL in the text field. 


  Click Submit to process your URL. After processing result are shown in table.

Tool Steps Snapshots

HTTP Compression 1
HTTP Compression 2
HTTP Compression 3